About the State of Mississippi's New Flag

Having attained the nadir (?) of its pretentious colorblindness in the summer of 2020, the US has resorted to palliatives to soothe its permanent gangrene called racism. Like cancer, racism continues to grow because it continues to be taught and exploited (yes, it is hideously lucrative for material and power). Mississippi's sedative is the state's new flag. Albeit just a flag, ergo, a mere symbol, we residents of the state need to thank the activists and proponents who fought for the change. Some of them thought the day would never come when the old flag (a symbol of twisted economic boom and vitality for some, but a reminder of stolen lives and wealth and endless discrimination for others) would come down forever. It did. The new flag is a brave testimony of our ever-expanding intelligence, tolerance, and humanity. The new flag's colors and design do not matter as it is just a symbol. However, my reservation about it stems from including the words "In God We Trust...