2K10 and my old forwarding habits.

So, it finally came and went and I still have not been blessed abundantly per the promise. Ah tricky emails from cunning friends!

They came, the emails I mean, with all kinds of info/promises. There was the google or microsoft hiring (I think it is still going on), the coca cola savior mail, the Tommy Hilfiger racist campaign, the Black people don't read words, sent to ... Black people (I wonder how they got that!), the human slaughtering (in the presence of a photographer!), the sunglasses-wearing-when-it-is-raining- nugget which I tried and realized it only works for real believers.

There was an unprecedented laziness in 2009. Did you realize that text messages with best wishes come with bad practices like not naming the recipient of the email? I got tons of messages, and while I am delighted that all those people thought about me, I would have loved to see the sweetest name in the world, mine, just before the message proper. I am equally jealous that I wasn't as ingenuous. I could have saved myself the pain of calling all those people, all five of them!

Laziness in composing emails, never mind spelling mistakes, or that retrograded spell check. We resorted to forwarding mails to the extent that all you saw when you clicked were vertical lines, a sad case of chronic forwarditis. In these emails you actually worked hard (cut n paste) to read all the content, if you ever got to it. Some emails made it to my inbox five years in a row and after experiencing continuous deletes, deleted themselves when they saw my username, taking away with them my blessings! Yes, that's how bad forwarding is.

Speaking of blessings, what happened to those I was promised when I forwarded the email about the guy who discovered penicillin, and the boy who was not proud of the mother who was scarred while saving him from a fire or something: what about the blessing I was supposed to receive about Jesus being the Son of God and dying for my sins? And that PowerPoint about... and the pictures... I forwarded all these to ALL my contacts and that included myself about three times. Ah tricky emails!

So yeah, I didn't become rich despite the fact that I did all I was told: and I think I know why. I should have read the fine print that came with the emails: individual results may vary, does not work with all persons and or in all places

So what's forwarding prediction for 2010. I think right about now, someone is working on the significance of 2010. I also predict that the email about Black people not reading will be back: not enough Black people have read it. I suspect penicillin discoverer, the note in the rear car window to get you out of the car, a few gospels, children dying of poverty in Sudan, some old pix and PowerPoints will all be back, some with a sense of urgency, some with a promise and yet, the fine print will be the same: see fine print note above.

I suspect that the slaughtered woman will finally be buried, but I may be wrong: her ghost could still come back to haunt our inboxes.

I have one thing before you go: I have learned something I wanted to share with you which I read in a book... never mind book, someone told me that they read in a book by Dr. Shwarz : when faced with a situation where confrontations seems inevitable, ask yourself the question "does it really matter!"

Yes, does it really matter all what you think about the person who might think that you are ... because you...

Who cares!

Happy New year and God bless you!


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