Hon. Paul Abine Ayah, my endorsed candidate for President of the Republic of Cameroon
Dear Friends,
It is with unbridled excitement that I write this mail to you today to share the news about the brightness of Cameroon's future. Like the majority of Cameroonians, it was with dismay, near despair that I watched as the movement to change our constitution surged from within the ranks of the CPDM party. It seemed like the most unreasonable thing to do, yet, it was done.
If you are reading this today, and you were born after November 6, 1982, then you probably may confuse the name Paul Biya for Presidency of Cameroon. I was a young man, in my teen years when Biya was sworn in as the next President of Cameroon after El Hadj Hamadou Ahidjo, the former President suddenly resigned. From the walls of College Bilingue d'Application (now Lycee) classroom, we could see the Palais des Verres, the National Assembly, where Paul Biya was sworn into office by Hon. Solomon T. Muna. From that point forward to this day, Mr. Biya's Presidency, has raised in us emotions that range from hope to anticipation to haplessness.
To give you an idea of the country we have become, travel from Kumba to Mamfe is worse today than it was before independence. Travel from Douala to Yaounde, a distance of about 248 km (about 154 miles) has at least 5 road blocks where money transfers hands and nothing goes into the coffers of the state. Idem for the ports of Cameroon.
My research (mostly on the internet) on Mr. Biya's probable challengers yielded only three. Of these three who have declared their intentions to run I have settled for Hon. Paul Abine Ayah for the Presidency of the Republic of Cameroon. I call on you all my friends and family to support Hon. Ayah's candidature. As is the proclivity with endorsements, here's my rationale,
- I have read, reread his "My Vision of a Born-Again Nation" and I am very impressed with the common-sense proposals in it. Most of his vision is in line with what you and I have dreamed of our country to be. Of course, I do not agree with some of his proposals, especially those that create entitlements which end up burdening the nation. I will be happy to have healthy conversations with his campaign on this.
- Hon. Ayah know the laws of the land. He knows that laws are meant to be respected and for that reason he is the ONLY person who spoke out loud and clearly against the rape (any better term?) that the constitution of Cameroon suffered. The clause to restrict terms was the sole hope of Cameroonians. As his supporter, I was delighted to read that Hon Ayah plans to reduce the term from 7 yrs as it is currently to 5 yrs, renewable once only.
- Honorable Ayah's voting record in the National Assembly reflects deep convictions of his vision for the country as opposed to what the Executive generally commands the legislative to do. We are aware of what hand-clapping legislature's record. As Paul Ayah's supporter, I will pressure him to reduce the number of political parties in Cameroon from 197 (per elecam), because it is high time our politics align to lofty ideals than to regional leanings.
- Honorable Ayah has served the Cameroon nation well. He has represented the people of Akwaya in Parliament. As a CPDM candidate, he would never have won my vote, but as one who has stood up for the people of Cameroon, he has earned my respect and my support. Someone once said we cannot allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good.
- Hon. Paul Ayah is a family man. Married to an equally hardworking lady, Valentine, in 1976, they were blessed with four children. The more I have learned about Paul Ayah, the more I have admired and respected this true son of the soil: born, bred, and educated in Cameroon.
As Hon Ayah's campaign takes shape, I will volunteer my time and money to give hope to Cameroon. I hope you will find interest in our political system as I do. I will be more than happy to share my enthusiasm for my candidate with you.
Le temps appartiens au peuple (time belongs to the people), Sony Labou Tansi once said.
It's time, the time of the people.
Visit ayahpaul.net for more information.
More later.