
Showing posts from May, 2012
MECA-USA: the painful path to unity. The following was written for a restricted audience: Manyu people. It may also apply to cultural groups that have suffered crises that led to break ups. You will read this once in a while on Manyunet and other fora, hear it almost at every gathering: “die-house”, fundraising, birthday... : “let us unite”. These calls, as laudable as they may sound have sometimes missed (or I have failed to see) the fundamental: it is a … process. Some sound divinely inspired, others are seemingly pedantic, some are condescending while others are downright simple honest and practical. Regardless of its type, calls for reconciliation have fallen on deaf ears, dumb mouths and stiff legs. Why? The answer is within each individual. I have heard people on both sides come up with arguments that range from “they left us, let them come back”, “we are the real MECA-USA”, “we now have peace, let us stay like this”, “we are brothers and sisters and we can achieve more wh...
Reading between the lines: Marafa's letter to Biya. Comments are italicized and bold. Monsieur le président de la République, Le lundi 16 avril 2012, j’ai été convoqué par le juge d’instruction du Tribunal de grande instance du Mfoundi et écroué à la prison centrale de Kondengui, sans autre forme de procès. Vous avez certainement dû apprendre que j’ai demandé la récusation de ce juge d’instruction qui était venu me voir de son propre chef et qui, avec instance, m’a sollicité pour que nous nous « arrangions » afin qu’il instruise le dossier dans un sens qui me serait favorable ! J’ai tout naturellement refusé sa proposition. Je vous en avais rendu compte en son temps, pensant que le président du Conseil supérieur de la magistrature s’en serait ému. Marafa attempts here to descredit the state prosecutor in this paragraph and even more significantly makes the point that Mr. Biya did not act on his (Marafa) suspicions of the prosecutor being corrupt. Est-il bes...