Response to: Are you the coward beating up on your wife or fiancée?

This is my response to Mr. Innocent Chia's article: Are you the coward beating up on your wife or fiancée? Yes, shame on me, shame on Ray Rice, shame on you too the wife/partner/fiance beater. You are right Mr. Chia, we are cowards. Cowards for being perpetrators, onlookers, silent spectators/accomplices, etc. Most of us have been programmed to to be violent towards women by the subtle and all too significant carvings of evolution, by our own inadequacies hence insecurities. In abusing our power, we have failed to do two things, conquer our fears and exercise restraint. The theory of trophy wives, inferiority complex and Innocent’s stay on the perpetrator are subjective assessments that only begin to scratch the surface of the global problem of spousal abuse in particular and abuses in general. For instance, your average commercial, male conversation, Christian and Muslim religion objectify the woman as a trophy for a deserving and conquering male. Yes, it may be about not havi...