
Showing posts from 2022

How associations are changing and what that means for some members.

  Anecdote 1. We came early, and we were hungry. When it was time to eat, an impromptu MC asked us to stand up and pray. The prayer reciter looked in our direction as we were still seated and said in a disapproving voice, "Let us ALL stand up and bow our heads." I looked at her, smiled, and took out my phone. I remained seated.  Anecdote 2.  We had a good time at this reunion. We had rented a lodge, and about twenty of us enjoyed a camaraderie that spanned over thirty years. As we usually do, we talked about recent developments in our lives and how to make our relationships more relevant. Out of nowhere, one of the participants requested that we pray. I was completely thrown off guard and slightly upset. I said nothing.  If you are from sub-Saharan Africa, there is a good chance that you belong to a cultural organization. It is usually associated with people who share something in common: language, customs, geographical location, lineage, etc. I belong to a few, but...